10th Annual SMACC Golf Outing

Rep Matt Gabler and Brian Turk of Alpha Natural Resources,
Outing Sponsor, get ready to head out onto the course

Joe Haines, Outing Chairperson, & Randy Cole of Wal-Mart,
wait their turn to tee-off

Dolly gets some help watching the “Hole-in-One” hole,
sponsored by McLean Publishing

A photo of the photographer!

“Where did that ball go?”

The rest of the Northwest team watches while Neil lines up the putt.

Paula takes a break from her beer cart duties

Joe drives one on #5!

Russ Daniels & Steve Straub check out their drives


First Place: Northwest Savings Bank Team #1:
Tim Smith, Neil Hoffman, Larry Schatz & Scott Dahl

Second Place: CNB Bank:
Terry Briskar, Dennis Miller, Lee Lykens & Rick Sloppy

Third Place: Allegheny Power:
Al Lingenfelter, Ty Carter & Dave Decker